Our Brands

Deepa Jyothi Oil

Storage Instructions: Store in a dry place away from heat Specialty: Alcohol Free Lamp Oildeepam is symbolic to represent the light of the transcendent absolute

Sunland Oil

It is healthy too! Every drop of our Sunland sunflower oil comes with the promise of ample nutrition. It is a light oil and is easily digestible.Some of its salient features…

Roobini Oil

Roobini is a refined, bleached and deodorized form of palm oil which is extracted after crushing the palm fruit which is rich in Vitamin E (Tocopherols & Tocotrienols) and is a powerful anti-oxidant.

Our Stroy

High Quality

The amount of Free Fatty Acid left on the oil and also an indicator of the moisture stability of the packing. More FFA in excess of standards leads to vomiting and indigestion problems. Light yellow colour, reflecting a state of excellent refining, storage, and handling. The light colour is also an indicator of the processing quality though it’s does not any effect on human health.

Roobini Oil

Roobini refined palm oil contains Vitamin E, A and beta carotene! It lowers Cholesterol.t is good for the skin, and helps in bone growth. It plays a vital role in organ protection, tissue membrane structure & metabolism. Presence of natural oxidants like Tocopherol plays a protective role in cellular ageing & cancer.

Testimonial -

"Kids love Sunland sunflower oil because of its wonderful taste. It is healthy too! Every drop of our Sunland sunflower oil comes with the promise of ample nutrition."

- by delcode -